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Correct vegetable storage at the correct temperature

The vegetable farmer from Nærland outside Nærbø grows potatoes, carrots and grain. When he was going to put this year’s crops into winter storage last autumn, he ran into a problem. He couldn’t get the vegetables to be stored correctly.

Thanks to a mobile cooling solution from Energy Rent, vegetable farmer Arnt-Egil Nærland (63) avoided having to throw away several tonnes of carrots. strong>

The vegetable farmer from Nærland outside Nærbø grows potatoes, carrots and grain. When he was going to put the year’s crops in winter storage he got he a problem. The compressor in one of the cold rooms had been broken, and several tonnes of carrots suddenly lacked proper storage space.

– There are strict requirements for the correct storage of vegetables. Carrots in long-term storage must be kept at a temperature of 0 degrees . Without proper storage, you risk the carrots rotting, says Arnt-Egil Nærland, who delivers carrots weekly to Gartnerhallen throughout the autumn and winter.

The vegetable farmer had never encountered a similar problem. Last year was also a very good year for vegetables, and there was therefore a need for even more storage space than before.

– We started looking for other alternatives, and that’s when we became aware of Energy Rent in Orstad. We contacted them to see if they could help, says Nærland, and continues; – They came out for an inspection and said that they should be able to arrange the proper storage of the vegetables.

Thanks to them, we were able to store 150 tonnes of carrots at the right temperature. It was an excellent service. The room where the mobile cooling was put in was not used for storage by the vegetable farmer, but with Energy Rent’s solution he suddenly had even better space for his carrots.

– Would you recommend other vegetable farmers to use them for similar problems? – Yes absolutely. They were very quick to get things in place, replies Nærland.

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