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Midlertidig ventilasjon til barnehage

Portable heat pump for tough conditions

Portable heat pump

Portable heat pumps are flexible and very useful. There are few things worse than sitting in an office shivering in big winter jackets, or dripping sweat in just shorts and a t-shirt. The right working temperature is important in order to perform well, both in the office but also on the industrial site.


Hasty ventilation for the reopening of a kindergarten

We recently installed a portable heat pump VP160 VV in a new kindergarten that was set to open. The kindergarten did not have ventilation systems before the opening, so we were contacted to get a temporary portable system in place before the official opening.

VP160 VV is primarily developed to function in temporary projects where the customer has an energy well available. The unit is compact and built in a container, which makes the portable heat pump robust and reliable.

Tegning av midlertidig haste ventilasjon til barnehage


Large market for portable heat pumps

A heat pump consists of four main components; compressor, condenser, evaporator and an evaporator. And there are many variations on the market. We at Energy Rent rent out both portable heat pumps and cooling units. Most heat pumps on the market today have challenges, especially with condensation, noise, and emitted heat.

Heat pumps that have the condenser and evaporator in the same box, often through a 150mm diameter pipe, will emit heat through the pipe. The cooling capacity is therefore weakened because capacity is used to cool down hot air that needs to be expelled through the pipe. The pipe itself is also a drawback, as it is obstructive and requires an opening in the construction. Condensation and how to get rid of the condensation water is also a challenge. Weak door noises and noises often come from the compressor in the heat pump itself. This is a constant sound that comes.


Portable heat pump for sports hall

The customer’s own ventilation system did not have enough capacity to cool the sports hall in the summer. Energy Rent was contacted to assist with cooling.
We installed a temporary air to air heat pump VP85 LL. The windows in the garage door were taken out, so that the hoses could go through the windows. The system was in operation within half a day.
VP85 LL is specifically developed to function as a fossil-free building heat. The unit has integrated peak load, advanced defrost and the possibility of fresh air.

Midlertidig ventilasjons til idrettsanlegg

We have portable heat pumps for rent for tough conditions in industry and process facilities.

Energy Rent have solutions for portable heat pumps with solutions where these challenges can be avoided. We solve this by mimicking a fixed heat pump, with an indoor unit and an outdoor unit. Our heat pumps also have a larger capacity for this reason, they are more flexible in terms of location and have a longer throw on the air. Our portable heat pumps have an integrated condensate pump and hoses to transport the condensate out.


Long experience with heating and cooling

We at Energy Rent have over ten years of experience in renting out portable heat pumps and cooling units. We have a high level of technical expertise in the field, and several skilled professionals who can help you tailor the right solution for your needs.
Contact us by phone, email or chat for a non-binding conversation and offer.

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