Rental of mobile heating systems
Energy Rent AS can rent out
Rental of mobile heating systems. We build and rent out complete mobile district heating systems? We can deliver mobile heating systems in the Mega Watt class! Energy Rent AS has among other things delivered a mobile district heating system in connection with an expansion of an existing heating system to a city on the East coast.
The way we solved the project was to offer 2 pcs 1,5MW mobile heat containers and 1 pcs 3MW heat exchanger central. All 3 heat containers have integrated mobile remote monitoring that sends a SMS if the system stops.
Due to high static pressure in the existing district heating network we chose to use a dedicated heat exchanger central. In the exchanger central, a 16 bar expansion tank and a powerful pump to take the whole load of 3MW were installed.
We used an Alfa Laval M15B gasket heat exchanger with insulation jacket that was retrieved from Alfa Laval. This heat exchanger has a certification up to 16 bar and was dimensioned by Energy Rent AS. We decided to maintain a temperature difference of 10 degrees Celsius (dT=10K) between the mobile district heating system and the district heating network.
When the customer first needed mobile district heating, he was glad that someone could rent out mobile heating systems. The customer was very satisfied with a well-executed project and only needed to «turn the key».
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