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Rental solution for cooling machine

Rental solution for cooling machine!

If the mishap is already out there, it's good to know that there is a rental solution for a cooling machine.

Here we will do a quick overview of what we as providers of a cooling machine rental solution must be aware of.

This is very important as the capacity of the cooling compressor depends on the temperature the customer wants. It is often said that for every degree you lower the temperature over the evaporator, you can expect a weakened performance between 3% and 5%.

Let's say the customer needs 500kW at 4C in the room. First, we find the correct cooling machine rental solution that is the right capacity and size.

In this case, you can use standard HVAC equipment. You should know that the capacity of the equipment is usually given with 7C/12C chilled water.

You must also be aware that to be able to transfer cooling, or absorb heat, which is what actually happens, you must have a temperature difference between the expected air temperature, here 4C and the chilled water.

You would have to run at least 0C on the chilled water, preferably between 0C and -4C in order to achieve 4C in the room. A machine that delivers 500kW at 7C/12C will then perform in the order of about 325kW. So, you lose about 175kW by producing cooling at lower temperatures.

Here you would have to go up a size, maybe offer an 800kW cooling machine at 7C/12C, which would be the cooling machine rental solution.

If you have questions about choosing mobile cooling equipment, feel free to contact us.

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