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Utleie av ventilasjon og luftrensing

Ventilation and Air Purification Rental

We at Energy Rent have expertise in renting ventilation and air purification according to your needs.

Cleaning air? Removing air and particles? Or just supplying fresh air? We at Energy Rent have the solutions. No matter what you as a customer may need, we are ready to assist. Did you know that our ventilation units can both supply warm or cold air? We also have heat pumps that offer everything in one package. We can offer both ventilation, air recirculation and air conditioning.

Good for Health

So why is good ventilation important on for example a construction site? Well, because the purpose of ventilation is to remove pollutants in the air such as dust, emissions and moisture, and to supply a clean and fresh air. This is very important for our health, especially around a workplace where many people often stay for longer periods. Poor and insufficient ventilation can cause a number of health problems. The quality of ventilation also affects your concentration, performance and productivity.

Expertise in filtration

If you have problems with for example asbestos, we can run with an air handler to achieve the desired filtration grade. We can deliver with most filter grades from F5 to F9. Our equipment for ventilation and air purification rental even manages HEPA filters built in an external filter box.

We are ready to assist in setting up balanced ventilation, adding fresh air and taking control of the environment. Our equipment is environmentally friendly and is mainly powered by electricity and other fossil-free energy sources. We also have a dehumidifier that ensures a dry indoor climate for rehabilitation, new construction and repairs.

Over and under pressure

We can also perform the desired over- and under pressure in rooms with a dust-free environment. Such as we did for this customer where we were tasked to create overpressure in two large halls intended for sensitive electronics. The halls were 50m x 30m x 15m each. Here we installed two mobile ventilation systems for rental with a specially built filterbox. These ensured that the air was filtered according to the customer's wishes and needs.

We heat with fossil-free fuel

In the new cycle velodrome at Sola, we heat with fossil-free fuel. There are hot water batteries that ensure zero added humid air and full heat recovery when using recirculated air, as well as a filter to ensure that dust is effectively removed from the indoor environment. Other references we have include removal of exhaust and dust at a construction site inside buildings, ventilation at a school during rehabilitation, pressure testing and control, air purification with filter and overpressure in technical rooms with transformers that require dust-free environment.

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