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Mobile waterborne heating central for fossil-free construction heating
Connected mobile district heating fans for efficient heat distribution
Adapted to a multi-purpose hall of approximately 13,000 m2

The Challenge

The new Jordal Amfi was to be built with strict environmental requirements, including the use of fossil-free solutions for all construction site operations. This included requirements that all construction machinery and heating systems had to be electric or use biodiesel, a challenge that required an innovative and efficient approach to construction heating and site drying.

The Solution

Energy Rent installed a mobile waterborne heating central that was entirely in line with the project's environmental objectives. This central was designed to deliver high-efficiency heat without fossil fuels, connected to mobile district heating fans that distributed the heat evenly in the 13,000 m2 sports hall. The system was optimized to ensure maximum energy efficiency and minimal environmental impact.

Utleie Kjølemaskin

The Result

The mobile waterborne heating system from Energy Rent ensured that the construction process at New Jordal Amfi could continue regardless of weather conditions, while meeting the strict environmental requirements for fossil-free construction. The solution contributed to a steady progress in the construction project and demonstrated a successful example of sustainable construction practices on a large scale.

Utleie av mobilt kjøleanlegg

Energy Rent's solution for fossil-free construction heating was essential in meeting our strict environmental goals during the construction of New Jordal Amfi. Their adaptation and technology ensured that we could continue construction through all phases, regardless of the weather, with minimal environmental impact.

- Project Manager

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