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3 MW dry cooler installed for cooling the cooling centre

The Challenge

Stavanger Concert Hall faced a problem with a build-up of heat generated by the cooling centre’s compressors. This build-up of heat could potentially affect the concert hall's operations and the comfort of the audience and artists. It was essential to find a solution that could quickly divert this surplus heat and maintain an optimal operating temperature.

Vannbåren varme

The Solution

Energy Rent responded to the need by delivering and installing a 3 MW dry cooler, specifically chosen for its capacity to handle the significant amount of heat. The dry cooler was integrated into the existing cooling system to maximize efficiency and ensure that all unwanted heat was effectively removed from the area.

Mobil Drycooler

The Result

The installed dry cooler solved the problem of compressor heat by ensuring a continuous diversion of excess heat. This helped to maintain a comfortable and constant temperature inside the concert hall, improved operational efficiency, and ensured that both audience and artists could enjoy the events under ideal conditions.

Thanks to Energy Rent's quick response and effective solution, we were able to rapidly restore a comfortable environment in Stavanger Concert Hall. Their dry cooler has been crucial in maintaining perfect conditions for our events.

- Operations Manager, Stavanger Concert Hall

Is it urgent?

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