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KM170 cooling machines

The Challenge

A large office building with several hundred employees faced a significant challenge when the existing cooling system unexpectedly broke down. This created an urgent need for a quick solution to restore a pleasant working environment and maintain normal operation.


The Solution

Energy Rent reacted immediately to the customer's emergency by delivering and installing KM170 cooling machines to restore the cooling in the building. These machines were chosen for their capacity to quickly cool down large areas and were effectively integrated into the building's existing ventilation system for immediate effect.

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The Result

The installation of the KM170 cooling machines ensured quick and efficient cooling of the office building, allowing the employees to continue their work without major interruptions. This solution prevented potential productivity loss and maintained a comfortable working climate in the building throughout the warm period.


Thanks to Energy Rent's quick action and efficient cooling machines, we were able to quickly restore a comfortable working environment in our office building. Their efforts ensured that our employees could continue working under optimal conditions.

- Managing Director

Is it urgent?

We are available and can deliver within 24 hours. You don't have to worry about installation, we'll handle it.

Call us at+47 51 68 88 68

Unsure about what you need?

We have extensive experience, and our skilled experts will help you find the right solution.