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Mobile air-to-water heat pump
Integrated tank, peak load and advanced monitoring

The Challenge

During the rehabilitation of a building, it was necessary to have a heating solution that could not only deliver effective and consistent heat, but also meet strict environmental requirements. The project demanded a solution that could be seamlessly integrated with existing building infrastructure without causing pollution or high energy costs.

Fossilfri Byggvarme

The Solution

Energy Rent provided a mobile air-to-water heat pump which was ideal for the task. This system, complete with an integrated tank, peak load, and advanced control and monitoring system, was perfectly tailored to deliver reliable and emission-free heat. The heat pump utilized outside air as a heat source, making it both effective and environmentally friendly, while offering a high degree of control and adaptability to the building's specific needs.

The Result

The mobile air-to-water heat pump ensured that the rehabilitation project had access to continuous and efficient heat without compromising environmental targets. The emissions-free nature of the solution helped to reduce the building's carbon footprint and supported the project's overall sustainability goals. The efficiency and reliability of the heat pump resulted in a smooth workflow and helped keep the project on schedule.


Energy Rent's commitment to environmentally friendly solutions was crucial to our choice of building heat during rehabilitation. Their mobile air-to-water heat pump met all our requirements for efficiency and sustainability

- Project Manager

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