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Use of 5 pcs 22 kW electric mobile boilers (Heatboy)

The Challenge

The project involved the development of innovative "VIP elements" - concrete elements with integrated heating pipes. The challenge was to test and demonstrate that these pipes could effectively deliver heat both during the actual casting process in cold climate, as well as function as a heat source for the building throughout its lifetime.

Elektrisk fyrkjele

The Solution

Energy Rent provided five 22 kW Heatboy electric mobile boilers to heat up the fluid in the pipes integrated in the concrete elements. These boilers ensured even and controlled heating of the pipes, which was crucial for achieving the desired temperature in the concrete during the curing process and for demonstrating the product's functionality in realistic building conditions.

Elektrisk fyrkjele

The Result

The Heatboy boilers delivered necessary heat, ensuring that the concrete elements cured correctly and avoided damage related to cold climate. The successful testing showed that the pipes not only could effectively deliver heat during construction, but also had the potential to function as a permanent heat source for the building. This helped to reduce the need for traditional heating methods and demonstrated an innovative solution for the construction industry.

Energy Rent's contribution with Heatboy boilers was instrumental to our success in testing the VIP elements. Their solution ensured we could demonstrate both the efficiency and the practical application of our new concrete technology under challenging conditions.

- Project Engineer

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