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Utleie av mobilt kjøleanlegg


3 x 170 kW chillers
Mobile heat exchangers and pump station with buffer tank

The Challenge

A major ice rink facility in Østlandet discovered a critical leak in the cooling pipes that threatened to put the rink out of operation. This would not only disrupt planned events and training, but also lead to significant financial losses and disappointment for users.

Utleie Kjølemaskin

The Solution

Energy Rent promptly responded by deploying three 170 kW chillers, along with mobile heat exchangers, a mobile pump station with buffer tank, and necessary titanium exchangers and expansion equipment. This mobile cooling system was quickly put up to replace the faulty system and ensure continuous and effective cooling of the ice rink.

Bilde av kjølemaskin på trailer

The Result

With the mobile cooling system in place, the ice rink was able to quickly resume normal operation. This solution ensured that all planned activities could continue as planned, and that the quality of the ice was maintained at a high level. This minimized potential revenue loss and preserved the ice rink facility's reputation among users and visitors.


When we faced a potential crisis with our ice rink, Energy Rent delivered a fast and efficient solution that allowed us to continue operation without interruption. Their mobile cooling system was a lifesaver for us and our customers.

- Facility Manager, Ice Rink

Is it urgent?

We are available and can deliver within 24 hours. You don't have to worry about installation, we'll handle it.

Call us at+47 51 68 88 68

Unsure about what you need?

We have extensive experience, and our skilled experts will help you find the right solution.