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3000kW mobile heating plant
Necessary additional equipment such as pumps, titan exchangers, and hoses
Effective integration into existing aquaculture infrastructure

The Challenge

The customer faced an unexpected challenge when the heat supply from a nearby factory was abruptly interrupted. This threatened to disrupt the farming process of the Ballan wrasse, a type of wrasse, which requires stable temperatures to ensure health and growth.

The Solution

Energy Rent quickly delivered a 3000kW mobile heating plant complete with necessary pumps, titan exchangers and hoses to restore the necessary heat supply. This mobile heating system was integrated into the existing infrastructure of the fish farm to immediately resume the necessary water heating.

The Result

The rapid implementation of the mobile heating center ensured that the farming process could continue without significant temperature fluctuations, which was crucial for the welfare and growth of the fish. The customer was able to maintain production schedules and ensure the health of the Ballan wrasse under critical conditions.

Thanks to Energy Rent's quick response and effective solution, we were able to rapidly restore our farm's heat supply. Their mobile heating center was crucial in ensuring our Ballan wrasse production continued uninterrupted.

- Operations Manager

Is it urgent?

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