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Picture of a high school


600 kW mobile heat container
Quick and effective implementation
Integrated with existing heating system

The Challenge

The school in Tønsberg was to undergo extensive renovation works during the winter months. It was critical to ensure a stable and efficient heat source to maintain a comfortable and secure learning environment for students and teachers, as well as to protect the building from winter damage.

The Solution

Energy Rent provided a 600 kW mobile heat container that was ideal for meeting the school's heating needs during the renovation. The heat central was quickly set up and integrated with the school's existing heating system to provide steady and reliable heat across the area.

Mobil Varmesentral 600kW

The Result

The temporary heating solution ensured that the school remained warm and comfortable throughout the renovation period. This allowed school activities to continue as normal without interruption and also protected the building's infrastructure from potential cold damage, which was critical for maintaining the school's operation and safety.

Energy Rent delivered a key solution for heating our school during a critical period of renovations. Their quick response and reliable heat container allowed us to maintain a normal and productive school environment through the winter.

- Principal

Is it urgent?

We are available and can deliver within 24 hours. You don't have to worry about installation, we'll handle it.

Call us at+47 51 68 88 68

Unsure about what you need?

We have extensive experience, and our skilled experts will help you find the right solution.