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500kW dry cooler with free cooling
500kW heat exchanger
Complete set of pumps, hoses and heat transfer fluids

The Challenge

A large hospital was facing the challenge of maintaining necessary cooling capacity during a critical renovation period. It was essential to find a solution that could be integrated without disrupting the hospital's daily operations, especially considering that many of the hospital's functions are dependent on stable and continuous cooling.

The Solution

Energy Rent supplied and installed a 500kW dry cooler combined with a 500kW heat exchanger, including necessary pumps, hoses and heat transfer fluid. This mobile cooling system utilized free cooling technology to offer an energy-efficient solution that could easily be integrated into the hospital's existing infrastructure without significant changes or interruptions.

The Result

With the temporary cooling system in place, the hospital was able to continue delivering its essential health services without interruption. The reliable and efficient cooling ensured that all critical medical units and areas, such as operating theaters and drug storage facilities, were maintained at necessary temperatures. This ensured patient safety and service quality throughout the renovation period.

During our extensive renovation, it was critical for us to maintain stable and reliable cooling. Energy Rent's temporary cooling system was key to ensuring that our medical facilities remained operational and safe. We are very grateful for their quick response and effective solution.

- Operations Director, The Hospital

Is it urgent?

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