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Emergency refrigeration - Immediate delivery of refrigeration equipment

Immediate equipment, ready for emergency cooling

The degrees on the thermometer are gradually rising and we are heading towards warmer times. Long pants are often replaced with shorter shorts and dresses. Colorful flowers are blooming everywhere, and fresh vegetables are enjoyed both raw and grilled. Warmer times offer a lot of great things, but maintaining cool rooms can be more demanding than normal. For example, bean growers and other workers can face challenges when storing fresh vegetables or flower bulbs at the right temperature. Excessive temperatures during storage of potatoes and carrots, for example, considerably reduce the shelf life of the raw materials and increase the risk of an immediate stoppage and the need for emergency refrigeration.

There are strict requirements for how vegetables should be stored. Carrots for long-term storage must be stored at a temperature of 0 degrees. If the low temperature is not maintained during the storage process, there is a risk that the carrots will rot.

Naturally, bean growers and gardeners who need cold cold rooms for storage have their own systems for this - but what happens if the equipment fails? Or fails to perform adequately? Or that the equipment needs a planned operation or service shutdown?

At Energy Rent, we have plenty of experience with temporary cooling. In several projects, Energy Rent has helped to maintain cool storage rooms to satisfy grade requirements for storage. We have a large warehouse with a wide product catalog of cooling systems for rent and we are ready to deliver fast emergency cooling, if accidents should occur, or if emergency cooling is needed for planned shutdown. Our personnel have a high level of expertise in mobile refrigeration and are capable of solving any emergency refrigeration challenge!

Avoid food waste with the right temperature!

A vegetable farmer from Nærland contacted us when he experienced challenges with the temperature in his cold room. The compressor in one of the cold rooms had failed and he was facing challenges storing several tons of carrots. It had also been a very good vegetable year and he needed more storage space

Bilde av bonde med gulrot

At Energy Rent, we delivered a mobile refrigeration solution so that vegetable farmer Arnt-Egil Nærland did not have to throw away several tons of carrots. The room we installed mobile emergency cooling in was not originally used as a cold room, so Nærland got even more storage space. The cooling solution we delivered resulted in Nærland being able to store 150 tons of carrots at the right temperature.

Temporary emergency cooling delivered at short notice

We have extensive experience, good expertise and a wide range of products and equipment, which means we can help at short notice, with a quick solution tailored to your needs. We specialize in emergency cooling rental, and in 2020 we were contacted by a company that needed urgent help when their complete cooling system suddenly stopped. In just under two hours, we delivered a complete refrigeration system and saved food from being thrown away.

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