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150kW cooling machine
200kVA generator
1000 liter buffer tank
2 pumps
Propylene glycol for optimal heat transfer

The Challenge

A large food warehouse faced an urgent challenge when their existing cooling system failed. With critical need to maintain temperatures at -10°C to ensure food quality and safety, a quick and efficient solution was necessary to avoid extensive food waste.

The Solution

Energy Rent immediately responded by delivering and installing a 150kW cooling machine optimized for -10°C. A complete set of additional equipment included a 200kVA generator, a 1000 liter buffer tank, two pumps, and propylene glycol for efficient heat transfer. The equipment was delivered and installed in less than two hours, minimizing disruptions and potential damage to stored food.

Mobil Chiller KM 150

The Result

The fast response and efficiency of the mobile cooling unit ensured that the food warehouse's temperature requirements were met continuously throughout the critical period. This prevented food wastage and maintained the quality of stored goods, ensuring the business’s reputation and financial stability.

Leie Kjøleaggregat

When our cooling system failed, Energy Rent's ability to quickly deliver a complete cooling solution was crucial. They installed necessary equipment with record speed, ensuring that our food remained safely cooled without costly disruptions.

- Logistics Manager

Is it urgent?

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