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Cooling container placed at the work area.

Renting a cooling unit

You can rent a cooling unit from us

Renting a cooling unit that is correctly sized is crucial for ensuring steady and reliable operation. Incorrect sizing can lead to uneven cooling water temperature and increased load on the cooling unit, which is the heart of the entire system.

For the cooling machine to maintain as smooth and stable operation as possible, the size must be adjusted to meet the requirements. Renting a cooling unit that is too small will struggle to maintain temperature, leading to unsatisfactory results for you as a customer.

Correct sizing is crucial

To achieve optimal performance and stability, it is essential that the cooling unit is correctly sized according to your specific needs. Renting a cooling unit that is too large can result in the unit running unevenly and causing large temperature swings in the cooling water, which could lead to unsatisfactory results for you as a customer.

Use of buffer tanks for stable operation

To ensure as stable and even operation as possible, we can install one or more buffer tanks between the cooling unit and the consumer. We use circulation pumps in this process, with a pump between the rented cooling unit and the buffer tank, as well as a pump between the buffer tank and the consumer.

The buffer tank acts as a stabilizer when the load varies. If the cooling unit has surplus capacity, it will continue to cool the buffer tank until it reaches the desired temperature. This gives you a backup chamber with ice water ready for immediate use.

Using the correct coolant when renting a cooling unit

The pumps to be used must be able to meet the minimum requirements of the rented cooling unit, and at the same time have a large enough lifting height to pump the fluid around the system. Pumps should also be sized according to need, but ones that are larger than what the rented cooling unit minimum requires are always chosen.

The coolant used has a significant impact on the cooling unit, the pumps, and ultimately the cooling capacity. Clean water is the best regarding capacity and viscosity. If the outgoing ice water temperature is above +6C, water is often the choice. Corrosion protection should be implemented, using an inhibitor package.

If the temperature is below +6°C for the outgoing ice water, frost protection must be chosen. Glycol is the most common frost protection, but here too, the choice should be made according to need. Ethylene Glycol for example, cannot be used when cooling food and drink, or there is a risk of spillage. When cooling food and drink, Propylene Glycol, which is not toxic, should be used.

The downside with Propylene Glycol is the viscosity, which in turn means that the cooling capacity of the rented cooling unit decreases. At low temperatures, below -5C, one can choose an environmentally friendly non-toxic liquid called Kilfrost ALV. This liquid maintains higher performance than both Ethylene Glycol and Propylene Glycol at any temperature, and especially at low temperatures.

At Energy Rent, we have the expertise and experience required to help you make the right choice and sizing of rented cooling units, as well as advising on the choice of the right coolant. Feel free to contact us to discuss your specific needs and challenges regarding cooling solutions.

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